Friday, November 23, 2007

Give Thanks Each Day

As we move into the season, it becomes imperative that we live with a vision. In order to understand our message and our purpose, we must believe. Life is not waiting for us to change, but instead it continues to move. This motion that we experience everyday is part of the gift of our divine being. Our spiritual connection empowers and initiates our awareness into action.

In this life each day must be lived with gratitude and thanksgiving and we must move with purpose. The desires of our heart are manifested in our present reality with conscious thought. Everything that we believe is part of our will and will determine the outcome of our life. I now understand that we create our reality. Happiness is not something that is separate from our reality and we have to search for it. It is something that is already inside of you, and how you approach and live each day determines your degree of happiness.

The more that you give thanks each day, the more you will have to give thanks. The more you have, the more you give. The more you give, the more you have. Create visions in your life that attract and paint pictures that identify who you are. Each of us has a purpose and reason for being here in this time and space. Live with confidence and accelerate our divine purpose.

Remember we are not alone and there is help. Give thanks for our families and families have a divine purpose. The people who are there through blood or marraige are not a mistake. Love your entire family and develop a stronger and more meaniful experience. If you have a partner give more and if you didn't have one get one. We all must become whole because the universal laws exist for a reason.

Pray for the season. We must move to oneness. Live the year as the season. Give to live, and live to give. Thank you Lord. Amen

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Fixing the Healthcare System

The future of health care is in our grasp and as a nation we must move with confidence. A new poll shows that Americans are worried about rising health care cost and their effect on the family budget. The fear of having to pay for procedures out of pocket keeps 50% of all Americans, under-insured or uninsured. There is finally an issue that all Americans agree that there is a need for major reform.

The cost of health care will continue to increase in the future and presently we spend more than any other nation, and receive inefficient and poor service. Nearly 50 percent of Americans do not get recommended care when they seek treatment and many are subject to medical errors. The complexity of the system is confusing with the different layers of administration. We now spend 15 cent for every dollar on health care and that number will rise.

It is time for the nation to develop a dialogue and shift control into trust. Everyone has an idea but each sector is afraid to expose the truth. The truth is that everyone is afraid to say that they just do not know. The experts and the politicians must start from a place that they do not know. They will have to try different approaches and apply what works and discard what doesn't work. As we move to tackle a major crisis, we can not be rigid.

Private health care will not go away because some people can afford the state of art and the most modern technological treatments on the planet. But there will be some who need government support because they are poor. There are others who will be in the middle and adjustments will have to be made to fit their circumstances. Americans will be forced to create a system where we will all become connected.

As we shift to a system where that is trust our leaders will operate with a sense of character and honesty. Fixing the health care system must start with a sincere commitment from a coalition of organizations who are flexible. No one organization should have more power, but it should be a collaborative effort to solve a national problem.

As we move together to solve the health care system, we will learn that we have more in common as opposed to differences. There are many different cultures that dress differently and eat different foods. But when it comes to getting well our bodies operate the same. Health care is not going away and we can learn from other countries. As a nation we have to believe that we can solve this problem in our lifetime, and there is no need for fear and doubt.

Let your voice be heard!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

How Healthy Is Our Justice System-Part 2

Former Gov. George Ryan is due to report to prison on Wednesday to start serving a six and a half year sentence. Ryan is 73, and was convicted last year of steering contracts to co-defendant Larry Warner and other friends. Prosecutors traced $170.000 of bribe money to the Citizens for Ryan campaign fund which has itself been convicted of racketeering.

It appears that corruption in Chicago started with the governor and was organized and institutionalized. Again we would like to look at this as an isolated incident and there is integrity in every other large city in the country. But we know that this is the excepted and accepted way to run a political machine.

In every major city deals are made by friends who operate in a closed circle of privilege. Some of the deals are legal and some are questionable. When the deals are questionable money helps to make the deal legal. The justice system has learned to close their eyes and keep their mouths close.

It is ironic that the governor was caught when he was 72. That would indicate that he became corrupt when he turned 71. But it is my guess that the governor was corrupt when he first started in politics, and he continued to grow in power as he become more corrupt. The abuse of power appears to be a reality in American politics. Can a politician stay clean and work in the system?

The governor and his friend has been free on bond since their April 2006 conviction. They have yet to spend time in prison and now their lawyers are trying to get a bond from the U.S. Supreme Court. It would not surprise me if their request are approved while they wait for the Court of Appeals.

I always thought that once you were convicted you were sent immediately to prison. The justice system responds differently want they convict someone who is a part of their inner circle. The prison that the governor is assigned to is a comfortable and cozy away from home. It will be interesting to see if the governor will be forced to report to prison.

Corruption has become institutionalized and it is hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys. The goal is to keep the system closed and no one has to try to correct the system. The old saying goes is that you can't change or beat city hall.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

How Healthy is The Justice System

Today I was reading about a sheriff in California that says all the charges against him are false and untrue. This means that he never accepted bribes and has never exchanged political favors in office. Everyone knows to get to the top you have to collaborate with some shady characters to keep everyone happy.

It is kind of humorous to believe that this sheriff believes that he is doing everything by the book, when he has a mistress and a wife. All three have been indicted, but the sheriff says he is innocent and has never misused his office. The southern California county which he heads is the fifth largest force in the country. When the head is caught accepting bribes, than I wonder what the rest of the force is doing to make ends meet.

Once the sheriff was elected a wealthy businessman paid for a vacation, and gave the sheriff a boat, and let him use his yacht and private plane. The businessman also paid the sheriff 1000, dollars a month to be an assistant sheriff and help his friends circumvent the system. This started in 1998 and the sheriff is still in office.

Maybe everyone was blind but someone before now should have noticed that something was wrong. Is it possible that breaking the law is okay if you are in power? Maybe it is okay to lie steal and cheat if you have a badge and a gun. What is wrong in our society when the people that we are suppose to trust have stole so long that they think they are doing things right?

How healthy is the justice system in this country when the leaders have no idea what is right. We would like to believe that this is an isolated incident and this is not the general rule. However this sheriff was blatant with his stealing and his friends could not cover his tracks. Everyone knew he was corrupt from the beginning he was elected to office. But everyone closed their eyes because no one wanted to tell the truth. In how many cities and counties across the country do we have one eye closed and the other eye with shudders?

We only open our eyes when someone who is honest with a sense of integrity forces the system to respond to the obvious. The justice system is broken and sick, but where are the doctors?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Is Our Food Safe-Part 2

Yesterday I was talking to a friend and she stated that her daughter has been sick for two days. Her daughter has been throwing up and cannot hold anything in her stomach. My friends feels that her daughter is sick because of the fast food restaurant she ate in. My friend did not report this incident to the county health Department. As a result an inspector will probably not inspect the establishment.

Every time we eat in a restaurant we are rolling the dice. We would like to believe that restaurants are safe, but after looking at the movie "Fast Food Nation" I wonder. If you have not looked at the movie check it out. The movie is fictional but sometimes messages are given that way because it is easy to swallow. The message in this movie is that everyone in the town is controlled by a major fast food empire that exploits every aspect of the communities life. The company is like a big machine that dictates and establishes the mind-set that the working/poor must endure.

The company is a beef processing plant where the fesses from the animals are included in the meat because the machines are running to fast for the employees. At any time an employee can lose an arm or leg because production is put ahead of safety. The animals are drugged and we wonder if our food is safe?

We have to remember that the movie is fiction but if you want to learn the truth about the fast food industry read Eric Schlosser's book. The food that our children eat in fast food restaurants have no nutritional value. The food that we eat is contributing to an unhealthy lifestyle. We must began to ask questions what the large companies are putting in their food to make it last for months. We will also need to ask why there is only one small aisle where there is health food in supermarkets?

For some reason mothers have forgotten how to cook real food. Most of the time we are on the run, so we eat on the run. When we ask the question is our food safe, maybe we really don't care. Maybe in the future we will drop a pill instead of eating food and that is how we will get our nourishment. There is something wrong when we know we are eating fesses from the plant and the plant continues to serve the product.

My friends daughter has been sick for two days but soon she will get better. No one will complain and the restaurant will continue serving rotten food. Considering all the restaurants they do a good job. But we have to make the companies more responsible to health. These enormous food empires can make a change and become more health conscious. We all need to demand healthier foods and force the companies to stop destroying the nutritional value of their foods.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Is Our Food Safe-Part 1

We understand in American society everyone is running. Everyone is working and there is no time to cook. As a result we live in a fast food society. Everywhere we look there is a restaurant that we can go and get a quick meal. But is the food safe?

We trust federal agencies to inspect the food and we believe that companies have a sense of integrity, and they follow federal guidelines. We believe that companies would not sell food that is contaminated or of inferior quality. We believe that people's welfare is more important than profit. But we know that pharmaceutical companies were selling medicines whose side effect could injure and kill certain people. We know there are law suits against these companies that run into millions. But how could fast food companies act irresponsible also?

The fast food companies know that people need to eat to live. The question that I am raising is the food safe? Would companies put profits first and people's welfare third or fourth? We know in this innovative and digital world food is a commodity like clothes and technical gadgets. We serve them something that looks kinda like food, but has been transformed to resemble something else. Many times it looks like fish but the outside cover resembles something else. We eat it because we are hungry, and if it settles without any problems than we are fine.

The only time we get upset when the food does not settle properly and we end up at the hospital, or we get sick. When that happens we call the county agencies to make a formal complaint, and an inspector is sent to the establishment. The inspector in theory is suppose to inspect this restaurant every six months but it never happens. Some restaurants are inspected once every two years, and we wonder why there are violations?

When we get sick twenty four hours after eating at a restaurant, it is considered the restaurant fault. But if you get sick two or three days after eating at an establishment, it is not considered their fault. Every time we eat at a restaurant we are taking a chance, because the problem can start at the processing plant. The product that was shipped to the restaurant may be contaminated. As we explore the food that we eat, there is information that is keep from the public. Food companies know that their food is contaminated, but they still sell it to the public.

As long as there are only minor problems, than the fast food industry can continue to ignore the critics. They can continue serving food that is slowly making people sick. If everyone eats it than it can't be that bad. Tomorrow we will continue with the fast food society and our children who we are raising on fast food. Why do we buy it?

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Why Should Vick Give Back 20 Million

When in America do we stop kicking a person, when we know that person is down? When are we satisfied? There appears to be no logical explanation when enough is enough. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Today Micheal Vick is the villain and everyone is looking for dirt.

It is always easy to find dirt. Once we find dirt it is always easy to find more. Everyone has forgotten the days when he worked his butt off to become the highest paid NFL player. We forget when he deserved all the glory and everyone talked about his greatness. Somewhere we forgot that the young man needed help. What happened to the American soul?

When a star is down do, we ever ask how we can help? There is something in the American psyche where we hate to see a success. We tend to want to see someone fall on their face. The news media thrives on dirt and the problems of success. As a star spirals downward into desperation and despair the news media appears to be ecstatic. This appears to be their lead story and if they can embellish the story with a big lie, that can get a bonus.

Micheal Vick is the lead story this month and if we can find a dirty story to embellish, we have done our job. The truth of the matter is that Vick has no idea how to improve his image and he continues to behave immaturely. He needs a team of polished professionals who know how to navigate through enemy territory. The enemy is serious about sending him to jail.

The enemy is serious about taking every penny that they can find because his glory days at this point are over. The 20 million was a bonus for all the work he had done to get is team ahead. Now that society says he is a criminal. (He never robbed or stole from anybody.) He must give back something that he worked for five years and really his whole life. We live in a sick society when we are put in jail for killing a dog. I am not condoning dog fights but there is an audience for that sick sport.

In the final analysis is America still a racist society? There is something wrong when African-American young men are put in jail for fighting and the white young men for hanging a rope are let go. In Florida a group of policeman are told that they did nothing wrong when an African-American teenager dies because of a boot camp. There is nothing wrong when a New York professor finds a rope hanging on her door to her office. I know it was dumb to fight dogs but when do we stop destroying a man dignity?

We all make mistakes. Is there a difference in an African-American mistake as opposed to a white person's mistake? Give Michael Vick his money and let him play football. He earned his money by working hard. He did not hurt a human being. We need to stand up for what is right and what makes sense. It appears to me his major crime is that he had to much money for a Black Man.